Past Exhibitions

Massachusetts native Deanna Lee intuitively paints flowing lines and shapes that pool, drape and cluster into areas of visual tension and evoke organic forms, natural systems, geographical strata and topography. Echo Lineation will feature 10 new paintings in gouache, ink and acrylic on panel and 6 new ink on vellum drawings.

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In Every Direction, Robert Lansden’s third exhibition with the gallery, is a presentation of 12 new highly obsessive drawings in gouache, watercolor or ink on paper that are built upon algorithms, a set of instructions that details how he will draw each series. Different algorithms result in multiple drawing series that appear divergent but all of Lansden’s work is focused on explorations of chance, discovery and time.

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Inspired by the Elizabeth Bishop poem Casabianca, Overboard employs the minimal, abstract geometry artist Liz Jaff has developed over the last 15 years to explore ideas of love, commitment and sacrifice, memory of time and space. For this exhibition, composed of two large-scale works, titled Mark Twain and The Good Boy, Jaff obsessively cuts, folds and sews paper and string with exacting consistency. Her compulsion to make sense of time and space through repetition, shape and form are reflected in the visual metaphors of Bishop’s poem.

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Inside Outside Upside Down, is an exhibition of the drawings, prints of Ann Stewart and sculpture of Steven Millar that explores ideas about space, memory and perception.

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Derek Lerner's obsessive mark making builds dual perspectives organically as he expresses his attempt to reconcile conflicting feelings about human impact on our environment, including his own. Looking both biological and man-made, micro and macro, his lyrical compositions embody dualities, "…while in many ways my work is a reaction to over-consumption and environmental politics, the drawings themselves are yet another "thing" added to the world, made no less with materials that are potentially damaging to the environment." Although Lerner's work emphasizes the destructive nature of man, his work is evidence that beauty can be found in what humans make as well as what we destroy; and that it is perhaps unavoidable for humans to create without consuming at the same time.

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The 8 paintings and three collages by Patty Cateura in Out There explore ideas about space and the power of nature. Thoughts about the transforming power of landscape and the rejuvenating qualities of nature have roots in both Eastern and Western philosophies, which Cateura combines with the visual language of minimal abstraction.

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Through hardedge paintings in acrylic on canvas Jerry Walden investigates the nature of the aesthetic experience by combining Formalist compositional elements of color, line, pattern and direction with personal emotions and memories.

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Pancho Westendarp's drawings, videos and installations seek to analyze relationships between time, space, memory and movement. His work subverts societal constructions of time by reformulating these time representations in ways that don’t standardize human experience under the same circumstances. He says, “Developing our own way of measuring time means creating our own notion of history and developing new rituals where time can be practical and playful, where faith and mechanics can interact, where procedures can become purposeless and where movement is not understood by distance traveled but by the change of a state of mind.”

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Mike Childs’s paintings attempt to create an internal order through space, color, and line, looking outward into the world for connections. His work has always been fundamentally abstract, however this latest imagery attempts to take that work one step further removed from identifiable representation.

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Current Feature

Upcoming: Featured Artist

Richard Garrison

Sep 1 – Dec 31, 2025
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Upcoming: Studio Visit

Richard Garrison Studio

Sep 1 – Dec 31, 2025
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